New luxury home waxing kit set to debut in fall 2018

Waksē is a new stripless home waxing product made of small beads. Via CEW Beauty Insider:

Wakse is aiming to bring a luxurious, sensorial experience to at-home waxing, by way of visually appealing formulas and fragrances that look to transform hair removal into a fun, and even Instagrammable, moment.

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Beauty and The Beach: Your Guide To Summer Beauty

An interesting article from Ghana that focuses on dealing with the harsh summer sun and with temporary hair removal:

Body Beautiful: Get smooth, fuzz-free skin
Hair removal is no walk in the park; depending on how you do it, it can be downright painful and no matter what it eventually grows back. For getting into summer clothes, the three most common hair removal techniques are shaving, waxing and using depilatory creams.

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