U.S. Medical, Inc.
U.S. Medical Inc. is a Denver-based company which distributes medical equipment to health-care practitioners.
A company called International Hair Removal Systems (IHRS) has listed U.S. Medical as a distributor on IHRS websites and printed materials promoting their SuperPhaser Gold "transcutaneous electrolysis" device.
Treatment with the SuperPhaser Gold or other IHRS devices should be avoided by all consumers. There is no published data showing it can remove hair permanently.
Reputable companies usually do not associate themselves with these devices.
2002 update:
According to a former employee, this company is no longer in business. On 20 November 2002, I received the following note from R.H., who was listed by Rejuvenu as the US Medical distributor for Super Phaser Gold (SPG):
First I would like to say, excellent job on your info web site!! I love what you are doing for the public (including professionals such as physicians).
Can ask a favor of you? I noticed that you have my name associated with U.S. Medical and selling the Super Phaser Gold. I do not work with US Medical anymore and in fact US Medical is no longer in existence. They went out of business earlier this year. At the time of my employment with USM I was in charge of the Aesthetic Sales Department. The company was starting to sell the SPG and shortly after the company started selling it they received tremendous negative feedback from customers. USM stopped selling the product for fear that it was a product that could not be reliable for effective results (as advertised by Lee Cole). It was a large mistake on USM’s part. I would like you to take my name of your website, please! I do not associate myself with USM or SPG and I would like to put that period of my life behind me, I was told to do my job and unfortunately for a time it was to try and sell the SPG (you know what they say about hindsight).
Contact information:
Address: 4701 Ironton St. Denver, CO 80239
Phone: (800) 607-7455
Fax: (303) 371-1768
website: www.usmedical.com
Richard Hayes
Ed Riley
Tom Von Bank: 800-607-7455 x233, fax 720-493-5699, tvonbank@usmedical.com
R.H. (extension 205) [name removed by request 11/20/2002]
Glenn gfagaley@usmedical.comRiley, Ed (NFSUFPHOCI) eriley@USMEDICAL.COM
US Medical, Inc.
4601 DTC Blvd, 7th Floor
Denver, CO 80237
303-268-0333 720-493-5699
Notable comments
Their site has a lame frames system that doesn’t allow direct input of a web address. To find the material quoted below, click the following links as they appear:
about our products and services (on left)
New Equipment Sales (under Business Applications heading)
Aesthetic Medicine
"USM SuperPhaser Gold Regular Price: $9,995 – Only $7,995
Only a $250.00 DEPOSIT required to place your order NOW! Once order has been placed, USM will contact you with financing options.The SuperPhaser-Gold is a high-quality FDA Class 1 device indicated for permanent removal of unwanted facial and body hair. Features have been indicated to provide the operator with maximum flexibility for effective treatment of all hair types with excellent client safety and comfort. The SuperPhaser-Gold destroys the hair follicle’s ability to grow hair by passing a small direct current (DC) through the follicle for a controlled amount of time. Features include: 1) Four Methods of Treatment, 2) Dual-Channel Operation, 3) Completely Automatic, 4) Controllable Output Current, 5) Dual Channel Bar Graph Light Indicators, 6) Session Timer, 7)Treatment Timer, 8) Audible Treatment Indicator, 9) Each Channel has 3 electrode Output Jacks, 10) Push Button Testing