Skin Essentials
Skin Essentials is a company based out of Wichita Falls Texas. The owner, Dawn Rabideau, wrote to me stating she is a practitioner of the Super-Phaser Gold, a transcutaneous patch hair removal system made by Rejuvenu International Limited (formerly
International Hair Removal Systems).
Skin Essentials and treatment with the Super-Phaser Gold should be avoided by all consumers. There is no published data showing these devices can remove hair permanently.
Claiming that this device can achieve permanent hair removal is a violation of federal regulations.
Contact information:
Address: 4018 Kemp Blvd Ste D, Wichita Falls, TX 76308
Phone: 940-696-0981
email: Dawn Rabideau
Names associated with this company
Dawn Rabideau
I received the letter below from Dawn Rabideau on 31 October 2004:
Please consider all that I have to say in this brief memo to be fair. I don’t know what issues have festered between you and Rejuvenue or Mark Chandler or for how long, but I do know that the Phaser works.
Microscopically tattoo follicles on both sides of the body in preselected areas. Perform phaser, laser, needle, or any other method you choose in well mark and differentiated areas.Complete the number of treatments needed for that particular area over the correct time frame for that tissue thickness and profusion, etc…and at the proper intensity setting for the area being treated (you stated an incorrect proper treatment time frame for the lip) and then review. Phaser is permanent. Approximately 20 to 30 visits. Six months to two years. Varying from one person to another.
I have been in practice since 1989 and I have successfully cleared many people using my own knowledge and skills along with the Super Phaser which I managed to master quickly being it is so simple to operate and I know skin physiology as well as I know my own name.
I began using the phaser in 2000 and I have cleared many people who still today remain clear. Now, it’s true that it took more treatments at different settings than previously believed that it would and using different time frames and settings than I had been trained to use but I conquered with common sense tactics.
All users of the phaser are not uneducated, undereducated, or new the the equipment or industry as you stated on your web site. I have college education, and I own and operate a successfull and growing clinical day spa and have since 1997. I am the most qualified aesthetician I know and I am a National Master Permanent Cosmetic and Camaflouge Artist.
I, as an intelligent, educated, and well informed professional found your site to be inflammatory, childish in language and style, and exceptionally colored with predjudice for your competitor or whatever you may consider them to be. I have no personal relationship to any of the members or employees of Rejuvenue. Just someone who is tired of people who are so competitive or jealous over someone elses success, that I chose to speak up. I am not impling that all of your claims are false. I am simply stating the facts of my knowledge and experience with the Phaser.
It does have clearance now.
Your false, and inflammatory comments reflect on those of us from whom a great deal of effort was put into our education and career. Your accusations Question our integrity and honesty. As a christian I am not incensed because most people don’t live by God’s word anyway. However, as a professional, we are accused by assossiation.
Your forum is unfit for any ethical professional and not fit for the public forum you have chosen to martry yourself on.
You may also consider the fact that you lied to the public.
Example: My credentials speak for me. The Phaser works.
I am, Dawn Rabideau!