Other products that relieve hair removal side effects

These products are not endorsed or recommended by me. A product which works perfectly for one consumer may not work at all for another. I list them for your convenience and make no claim or guarantee about their safety or effectiveness.

Purchasing information

A few besides Tend Skin you might consider (in no order, no endorsement implied):

No Mo’ Bumps by Bailey Enterprises

Address: P.O. Box 31231, Bethesda, MD 20824-1231
Phone: 1-888-711-3170 Toll-Free or 1-202-529-0099

Follique by Follicare

Follicare Research, LLC

Faceworks by Prize, Inc.     

Address; 300 W. North Ave. Suite 1307 Chicago, IL 60610
Phone: 1-800-251-4703
website: http://www.faceworks.net/contact.html

SC3 by Shaver’s Choice, Inc.

Address: P.O.Box 980 Madison, Mississippi 39130
Phone: 601-853-1614
Email: info@shaverschoiceinc.com; Sales Inquiries: sales@shaverschoiceinc.com
website: http://www.shaverschoiceinc.com

On 29 December 2001, CEO Brenda Thornton wrote:

My company, Shavers’ Choice, has a revolutionary new patented product called SC3, that is a soothing cream that significantly reduces the discomforts associated with shaving, including the skin condition Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (PFB), commonly referred to as razor bumps.

Unlike other products on the market today that claim to “cure”the problems of PFB, ingrown hairs, razor burns, etc., SC3 helps to straighten the hair strand to inhibit it from reentering the skin and causing recurring “Ingrown Hairs.”